Fire box Orange Led Circuit

Fire box Orange Led Circuit

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The firebox flicker circuit is a small board which has two orange LEDs on it and a built in current limiting resistor, so there is no need for an extra inline resistor. It does come with formal colour coded tails for connecting to a DCC decoder. These are small and compact to fit in most locos without modification.

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"sku": "AL-05 AL05","brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "Illuminated models" }, "offers": [{ "@type" : "Offer","sku": "AL-05 AL05","availability" : "", "price" : 2.75, "priceCurrency" : "GBP", "url" : "https:\/\/\/products\/al-05-fire-box-orange-led-circuit?variant=31861347451017" } ] }